Tag Archives: baby photography
Cohen came to visit me last week. He was such a sweet little peanut. Ryan and Leigh Anne had their gender reveal in the delivery room. I applaud all parents who can wait to experience that ultimate surprise! How special! Cohen has a gray nursery with navy accents, so we used a lot of gray this time around. Mom and dad had some special requests for their session… but I’m keeping those a surprise for their gallery. I wouldn’t want to possibly spoil anything for his birth announcement. 😉
Gavin was in the studio last week for his newborn session. We completed his session before his scheduled due date… he must have been excited to meet his new family already!
Bronson was such a little sweetheart at his session. Such a beautiful little man. I have so many favorite from his session… it was so hard to narrow them down for the blog post!
Braidyn has been my happiest 6-month old yet! He smiled the entire time, without any tears! We had a great session at the park and on the beach! We weathered the windy conditions, thankful that the thunderstorms held off long enough for us to complete our session.
Let me just begin by saying this little girl is so sweet and cute I’d keep her in a heartbeat! You hear that, Leslie? Bring her over anytime! Seriously though, I just love watching my sweet little clients grow up! I feel like Catherine has changed so much since her newborn photos (check those out HERE). I’m so thrilled that I’m lucky enough to see this little sweetheart every 3 months for the next year. I’m counting down until our next session in October!