Tag Archives: baby photography

Laila | Farmington Hills, Michigan Baby Milestone Photographer

Laila came to the studio for her sitter milestone session recently. Mommy wanted to stick with ivory tones for her session, and I have no shortage of beautiful outfits that fit that color scheme! I am a self proclaimed lover of all things neutral, since they are so simple and timeless. Mommy didn’t have any problem selecting some beautiful outfits to use from my studio wardrobe for Laila. And I must say, she looks absolutely stunning in them! Laila is just a beautiful baby, with such a sweet personality to match! I hope to see her again in another 5 months for her one year session!

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Teddy | Plymouth, MI Child Photographer

Teddy came to the studio for his sitter session. Sitting milestone sessions are, without a doubt, my favorite sessions to capture! I love capturing those happy, giggly smiles, those delicious rolls and the sweet details in between. Teddy was full of smiles, loud laughs and the most delicious rolls you’ve ever seen! Don’t you just want to butter those delicious arm and leg rolls and give them a nibble?! Teddy’s nickname just happens to be Bear, so it was only fitting to use my fuzzy bear bonnet. I loved spending my afternoon with Teddy, and cannot wait to see him again!

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Zoey | Livonia, Michigan Newborn Photographer

Zoey was one of the smiliest newborns I’ve had in years. She did great for her session, flashing that beautiful smile constantly. It’s apparent that her parents just adore her, and it’s easy to see why. She is one beautiful, sweet baby!

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Metro Detroit Newborn Photograhy
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Metro Detroit Newborn Photograhy
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Metro Detroit Newborn Photograhy
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Metro Detroit Newborn Photograhy
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Metro Detroit Newborn Photograhy
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Ellie | Livonia, Michigan Child Photographer

Ellie came for her 6 month milestone session, and boy, I didn’t want her to leave! She is so full of personality, happy and do you see how beautiful she is?! Total model baby! I’m counting down the days until I get to see her goregous face again!

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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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6 month milestone photos, 6 month photo ideas, 6 month photos, 6 month posing ideas, baby photography, baby photos, Beverly Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Birmingham Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer, Canton Michigan Child Photographer, Child Photo Ideas, child photographer, child photography, Child Photos, Child Posing, Child Posing Ideas, Commerce Michigan Child Photographer, Farmington Hills Michigan Child Photographer, Ferndale Michigan Child Photographer, Franklin Michigan Child Photographer, Huntington Woods Michigan Child Photographer, Livingston County Child Photographer, Livonia Michigan Baby Photographer, Livonia Michigan Child Photographer, Metro Detroit Child Photographer, Michigan Child Photographer, Milford Michigan Child Photographer, Northville Michigan Child Photographer, Oak Park Michigan Child Photographer, oakland county child photographer, Plymouth Michigan Child Photographer, Redford Michigan Child Photographer, Royal Oak Michigan Child Photographer, South Lyon Michigan Child Photographer, Southeast Michigan Child Photographer, Walled Lake Michigan Child Photographer, Washtenaw County Child Photographer, wayne county child photographer, West Bloomfield Michigan Child Photographer
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Milford Michigan Baby Photographer | Maya Elizabeth

I say it time and time again, 6 month sessions are my absolute favorite! Maya came in for her six month session with her model face on. I mean, just look at that sweet face, it’s always model ready! She was so good getting through so many different outfit changes and setups. My favorite setup was an outfit brought my her mommy. It was her baptismal dress that has been passed down through the generations in her family. It was so beautiful, and Maya just radiated beauty while wearing it. I offered to purchase the dress from mommy, but she politely declined (darn!). Onto the antique stores to hunt down something just as pretty!  Want to see how much Maya has changed?  Check out here newborn session HERE.  Milford Michigan Baby Photographer

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Interested in booking a 6 month/sitter session for your little one?  Click the contact tab.  I’d be thrilled to hear from you!!
